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148. Remedies of master for wages, disbursements, etc.- (1) The master of a ship shall, so far as the case permits, have the same rights, liens and remedies for the recovery of his wages as a seaman has under this Act or by any law or custom.

(2) The master of ship and every person lawfully acting as master of a ship b6 reason of the decease or incapacity from illness of the master of the ship shall, so far as the case permits, have the same rights liens and remedies for the recovery of disbursements or liabilities properly made or incurred by him 9n account of the ship as a master has for the recovery of his wages.

(3) If in any proceeding in any court touching the claim of a master in respect of such wages, disbursements or liabilities any set-off is claimed or any counterclaim is made, the court may enter into, and adjudicate upon, all questions between the parties to the arising or outstanding and unsettled between the parties to the proceeding and may direct payment of any balance found to be due.





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